Saturday, September 22, 2007

Some intresting stuff.....!?!?!?

So these are some of the things I actually thought "hey look at that I need a picture of that"! So here they are some are funny some are just interesting....but don't worry I'll try to post WEIRD stuff monthly :) ENJOY

Mmmmmmm Chocolates :P

Restaurant candies!

This is like milk and orange juice together (interesting)!?!?!

Can't go wrong with chocolate covered almonds :)

This sounds like a threat.....*I'm scared*(Click to laugh)

Mmmmmmmm I keep four O saki's by my computer....they go down smoothly :)

This is a Red Bean cookie kinda weird and kinda tasty :P

And this is the inside :)

The "Miracle of Grapefruit" Drink MMmmmm yummy.

The "Sweet Lemon" also good :)

And last but not least some of the yummy food we had on our last day of training dinner.

So I hope you had a laugh and liked some of what you have seen here to day and I WILL have more for you all enjoy and have a good time where ever you are :P

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