Sunday, July 15, 2007

Getting ready to leave ottawa ;.(

So this is my first entry and I thought I would catalog our exit from Canada. To begin all the people that I will miss and love (guys and girls) it won't be forever and I expect to see you all again when we come back to Canada or where ever you are at the time. I hope to take as many pictures as I can and post a even if you don't want to read my inane ramblings there will be pictures (Yay) and beautiful colors and blinking lights.....(coff coff) anyways sit back and scroll down enjoy the memories and try to imagine more to come.

Julia & Allie Hamming it up :)

Julie & Ticco: Miss.Smiles & Mr.Licks ;)

Patented Manny moves...GIVE IT UP >:)

Karen your a very special lady and we both love and miss you :)

It's always nice to see a smile on Luc's face (Ggrrrrrr I'm going to eat your camera) :P

Hey Miriam bright and smiley ;)

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