So I wish I could stick all the pictures I took on here but I don't have enough time or room but you get the idea.....its so nice here. Anyways back to the wild and I'll post more soon kids :)
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
A little more of BC (lots o Rock's and Green) YES!!!
So because I wanted to get all of the family in the previous log....this one is for all the beautiful wilderness at large....its going to be hard to leave but were going over seas soon so I can let it go for now :P
So most of the yards in BC are very well taken care of its really nice to see that.
This is Market Square its a cute little spot in Victoria and right behind Julia but you cannot see it is a great vegan restaurant (Green Cuisine) YUM
This is the gate to little china town in's so pretty here *gush*
This busker is awesome he was playing some wicked beats on his drum's and playing his Digery Do.....NICE...I wanted to put wheels on him and drag him around with us :D
This is self explanatory of where we went next.
I love getting close as I can to things and taking pictures....their so neat.
This is one of the ways to enter Becon Hill Park
Just awesome!!!
This guy was just chilln' not one foot away eating what ever......I want to pet him sooooooo bad XD
Redwood Trees.....yes the kind that takes 4-5 people to hug them!!
I am so happy this picture turned out because I took it without looking and only took one...these lily pads are beautiful.
Trees YEA!!!
They had a really large rose garden.
I found this guy under my collier when I was waiting for was not an easy shot *sinker*.
Did I forget the Ocean????.....
Ho Ocean I missed you soooooo much!!!
Found this guy when I was jumping rocks.
Mmmmmmm CRAB....the gulls here are freaking huge!!!
Hall of beauty when I went for a walk through the woods by my self.
More woods :)
So much Green :D
So impressed was I by the yards here....and its like this everywhere.
So I wish I could stick all the pictures I took on here but I don't have enough time or room but you get the idea.....its so nice here. Anyways back to the wild and I'll post more soon kids :)
So I wish I could stick all the pictures I took on here but I don't have enough time or room but you get the idea.....its so nice here. Anyways back to the wild and I'll post more soon kids :)
Monday, August 20, 2007
BeeSeeeee (BC)
So were in BC and so much fun and things to do :P we stayed at Julia's brothers place so thats Aaron (the older brother), Angela(Sister in law), Russel (Middle brother), and Miranda (older niece), Abigale (younger niece) and last but not least Drake and Honey the doggies....oh yea and Mittens the kitty. Lots of west coast water, trees and green it's like they live with the wild here in staid of mowing it down "JOY".
Knitting ninnies (Miranda & Julia)
Julia + fresh fudge = Happy :D
Can yea see me?????
This should have been first because it was after we landed...but I'm lazy XP
Left to Right-Aaron, Russell & Me on Carin Park which is a big pile of rocks you can climb and see all of Victoria on.
From left to Right-Aaron, Russell & Julia the Clark kids :)
Abigale in front, Miranda next, Julia & me on a fallen tree over a stream.
Abby being a camera ham :D
What can I say....I love being in trees.
Angela havin' a beer :) Mmmmmmm beeer
And no vacation to BC is complete without Darth Vader playing the violin on the corner (it was super hot that day)
And finally I guess this is the way it is in BC :P""""
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Fun at home with the Family Sparrow
This is a little view of the family Sparrow in Winnipeg.....Winnipeg not so interesting but I love my family it was a blast.

(From left to right) My Grandma, Rob(moms husband), ME, Granddad and my Mom enjoying some dinner at the grandparents.
Mom and Grandma Hamming it up :D
My niece Lilly hanging with a plush train conductor
at a place called The Forks in Winnipeg.
This was taken at the FolkoRama (Brasil Pavilion)
of the awesome craziness that is Brasil. These girls
know how to shake a tail feather :D
(Left to Right) Princess, Nickie and Kaylee my mom and grandparents dogs. My pup past on before I could see her for the last time I'll miss you Jessica ;.( but these guys rock :D
Julia & Lilly chasing the Geese off the road so they
don't get squished...there are millions of these guys
in Winnipeg and they walk everywhere.
Dun dun duuuuuuu....that one in the center is
giving me the evil eye >:)
My Grandparents and me on the first day in Winnipeg.
Julia and I shocked at the next pic :)
Aawwwwwwwww XD
More Grandpapy and Mamy :)
Julia & Lilly with beautiful Henna art from the India pavilion.
(From left to right) My Grandma, Rob(moms husband), ME, Granddad and my Mom enjoying some dinner at the grandparents.
at a place called The Forks in Winnipeg.
of the awesome craziness that is Brasil. These girls
know how to shake a tail feather :D
don't get squished...there are millions of these guys
in Winnipeg and they walk everywhere.
giving me the evil eye >:)
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